we are
the zinc

WATCH OUR NEW VIDEO closing the loop
    • reliability
      & quality

      The REAZN GROUP is dedicated to manufacturing and supplying the galvanizing and casting industry with premium, customized, prime grade zinc alloys. Since the beginning of 2018, we have continuously increased zinc production while decreasing our carbon footprint.
      Our innovative and sustainable mindset has helped REAZN gain valuable partners in the industry while creating a circular economy. This closed-loop solution facilitates the stream from industrial by products to ready-to-use zinc alloys, always ensuring premium quality.

    • reliability,
      & quality

      REAZN, located in Luxembourg, is the main user interface for products and services provided by the REAZN GROUP. We are in contact with customers and suppliers, and constantly strive to be an efficient service provider for all our partners. REAZN coordinates the sourcing of raw materials for zinc alloy production as well as the marketing of all REAZN products.

    • reliability,
      & quality

      Envisioned as a secondary zinc alloy production plant, our concept has come to life through continuous investments and developments. REAZN BELGIUM is now the largest producing company in the REAZN GROUP, with a zinc alloy production capacity of 100.000 t yearly.

    • Reliability,
      & quality

      REAZN UK is a strong supplier of zinc die-casting and galvanizing alloys to the European market, with a leading position in the UK and a total annual production capacity of approximately 20.000 t. Aside from zinc alloy production, REAZN UK has been supplying the zinc and copper plating industry with specialist materials for more than 30 years.

    • Reliability,
      & quality

      REAZN+, located right next to REAZN BELGIUM, is the company in our group ensuring premium quality by solely being dedicated to the pre- and post-treatment of specific zinc, containing secondary raw materials. The establishment is registered according to Directive 2012/18/UE (known as SEVESO III).


    Zinc, a crucial component in many products, can be infinitely recycled without any loss in quality. This characteristic is the driving force behind REAZN, the world’s leading expert in upcycling zinc scrap.

    The objective of REAZN is to promote the circular economy of zinc-alloys. This includes recovering zinc units from both post-consumer goods and industrial by-products. This effort aims to reduce the depletion of our planet`s resources and to mitigate the disposal of demolition and household waste.


    & solutions

      • products and

        Supplying the casting industry with a wide range of die and spin casting alloys, REAZN has an unrivaled reputation for metal quality, technical support and service. We offer prime grade alloys according to EN1774:1997 or other applicable standards.

      • products and

        As a supplier to the galvanizing industry, REAZN has an unrivaled reputation for very tightly controlled, high quality zinc galvanizing alloys. These alloys can be offered in a wide range of compositions with aluminium, nickel and/or magnesium content.

      • products and

        Reactivity and expertise are the core elements of our reliability. We can grant our partners the best possible service. We deliver according to your needs: your specification, your labeling, your schedule and your safety requirements.

      & figures

      we have an annual
      production capacity of
      ca. 120.000 mt of zinc alloys
      we handle
      9.500 trucks
      per year
      we are located
      in 3 countries
      in Europe
      we employ more
      than 125 zinc experts
      we care for
      about 400 customers
      our filter has more
      than 5.000 m²
      air filtration surface
      we upcycle
      over 67,000 t zinc-units
      per year
      we consume 0 L
      of public drinking water
      in production
      REAZN is a sustainable producer for zinc alloys

      for our future

        • a sustainable
          approach to
          zinc alloys

          Around 1700 the mining industry in Saxony was in crisis, not because the mines had been exhausted of their ores, but because the surrounding forests had been consumed at excessive rates for decades. This let a mining administrator, Hans Carl von Carlowitz, to develop the concept of sustainable yield forestry. He is considered as a forerunner in sustainability. Trees grow again if we allow them to do so. Mines do not refill themselves with ore after we stopped exploiting them.

        • a sustainable
          approach to
          zinc alloys

          At REAZN, the focus lays on constant innovation as an attitude towards all things. By a persistent modernization of our installations we reduce our energy consumption as well as lower our emissions to a minimal level. We continuously invest in the production process in order to improve our zinc recovery rate, and also in order to use sources of zinc units which remained inaccessible until now. For the zinc industry as a whole there is no way around making zinc to be considered as one of the most suitable materials for an upcycling recovery stream.

        • a sustainable
          approach to
          zinc alloys

          The best technology can’t work without the adequate human know how. Our organizational learning is built upon teamwork and workforce involvement through task ownership. In this context health, safety and well-being at the workplace are essential in our approach to the human factor. Based on this conviction we work on obtaining the necessary third party certifications.

        our partners
