Attention Fake Headhunters
Fake headhunters on LinkedIn
Normally, we always inform you at this point about interesting & positive news about REAZN. Unfortunately, this time we would like to inform you that users on LinkedIn are currently being contacted by fake headhunters who pretend to act on behalf of REAZN.
These alleged headhunters aim, among other things, to receive money from their victims. We formally distance ourselves from these actions and would like to point out once again that these actions are not supported, initiated, or even tolerated by REAZN.
To protect the LinkedIn community even better, here is an article by Jason Humphrey which points out the most important red flags, you should look out for to know if a recruiter is legit or not: https://codingcareerfastlane.com/linkedin-recruiter-legit/
Stay safe!