circular economy process

Carbon Footprint Reduction

The real environmental footprint of a product. Using recycled REAZN zamak can lead up to a 97.5% carbon footprint reduction in die casting!

2 weeks ago, Frank Neumann from Initiative ZINK presented a simulation-based calculation of the environmental impact of zinc die casting when using primary and secondary raw materials for alloy production.
The study was discussed with over 70 international zinc experts for the annual GDMB-meeting (GDMB Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e.V.).

Zinc is “used” rather than “consumed”. Thus a zinc –product can be reutilized after its life-cycle and turned into a product of equal quality . The physical LCA of recycled zinc alloys removes any doubt about how much recycled material should be used in a product in order to considerably reduce its carbon footprint.

Initiative ZINK, REAZN and Adolf Föhl GmbH + Co KG, together with Prof. Dr. Markus Reuter and TU Bergakademie Freiberg present a study with amazing results , now also published in Spotlight Metall here.

REAZN closed loop and circular economy parts
